decided to post today for nothin kk first period was pe teacher say must run 4 round then kp him say wad teacher u sux ...then ltr he know ask me whatt i say dont care him tio 1 pushup...sian then walk with terrence 3 round then last round teacher ask y u all keep on walk tell me then he say last round run go decided to jog ...jog...jog...jog...jog half round then stop liao lolthe other half round walk again because he go take thing then dont care larhh at first he say need to run one more round but dont care hehe...then was like saying kp larhh how dare he ps me and terrence then was like laughing like siao then ltr teacher say play caption ball then decieded to slack at hall sit down lol knew that the new guy which is a singaporean then go aus study for 2 years and then now come back then was like sitting beside him and see ppl play caption ball he wanted to join but he was in uniform so cannot play so sad hehe then sitted beside him and was like i dont know how to social with him dunno wad to say then ask ivan to sit beside him and start a topic den ivan was like saying u come from aus right then he say i singaporean but go aus study for 2 years then they was like talking about amusment park or something like that then wanted to play badminton then teacher take badminton racket then i was like cherr i wan play then he was like saying jus now u dont wan listen to me ask u ran dont wan now u say want play then y must i let u play then i was like saying ltr still must ran 4 round then he was like nothing to say then he gib me play hehe ...then play play play then math nothing to do listen to what i learned liao then chinese then all the ppl wan go change pe shirt then teacher know then was like asking those ppl to satand outside then ask why they all go change then ltr teacher gib chance then know test result only got 51 walao take liao dam sad then very sian never listen to what she say daydream there then go recess run 4 rounds(but was walking until last round run hehe...)then after that was eng face daM SIAN got test formal letter was like what i anyhow do larhh maybe correct lorhh the format ... thenwas since then teacher was asking us to gib her file then she check lucky never throw away hehe...then got ppl never sign test paper then teacher was like 2moro those who never gib me the file by 7.20 i will say those ppl name using pa system say ur name out for everyone listen then we wask like 2moro no school larhh then she say mon lorhh then we was like lol the went lot 1 eat then went back school for scout then was like learning how to tie nots dam sian lorhh lucky now how to tie all hehe dam sian when learning lorhh then do wad exercise dam sianxx kk ltr fk larhh play dog and bone then ltr we all draw with sec one then wask like lol...then go bak hehe kk nothing to post liao bb....
Layout: DIE OF BOREDEM Blog Owner: Marcus Poa Blog rules: please tag when u are here^^
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my name is marcus poa my school is unity secondary my class is 2/2 goin to 3/4 next year i am having a dam boring life no excitement... :D