i really being piss off by my sis...she have been buying things at blogshop and she keep on asking me to follow her to take things i don get it she like to call me to folo her even if i have reached home...and she would say it is i promised her de fucker lorhh pls wad is the prob wif her thn before holiday she asked me to folo her to go and take her stuffs...like i am already at home...thn she asked me to folo her cause she jus finish school and is like at amk hub mrt i dam sianx i am already at home...thn i sms wif her thn like she asked her friend to sms me i dam fucked up say wad i always never help her never folo her...i was like u asked urself larhh like i never help u like that got once i am already at home thn she asked me to go to marsiling mrt to help her take...and i jus went i mean is like its her own things why must i go its ur own things and i have to folo u like wtf i really cant stand her...thn ltr she said is i promised her to folo her when i didn't or maybe is her friend anyhow say wadever larhh...i was like saying when the fuck did i promised u?thn i said that she is always bullying me everytime ask me to take things at home like it is jus a few meters away thn she ask me to take like help her take water and stuffs like that...i told her this thn she said she will change her attitude towards me if i folo her...yaya wadever like as if she will change like that lorh....i told her that like as if she will chng thn she said i will i promise...thn i was like yaya...thn she said wadever thn say wad i beg u larhh go wif me ...thn i was like okay larhh u can beg mewhy i cannot beg u that i dont wan to go? thn she said cannot unreasonable larhh...thn ltr i asked her why she said dunno wad i am the one who say bad things to her first like i never even say anything bad lorhh like her eyes got prob like that...thn say wad get ur unmature nonsence off me...thn i dam fucked up thn i say yaya u think u very mature mehh thn say wad ya i more mature and say wad i got pea brain thn i mmore fucked up...thn i was like ur brain very big like that...thn ltr she sms back thn i dont care...i dont wan to waste my massage due to her fucking attitude...thn after that i did not care her for like a few days thn she came and like wan to be good to me thn i dont care but eventually i am okay wif her lehh...thn i think like 2 day ago after my ptc our whole family went to west mall to eat lunch...thn i said i wanted a badminton racket cause last time de lost lehh...thn i wan to play thn my father brought for me thn she say wad my parents like side me i say i want anything i wan thn they will buy for me...thn at her post she said wad my attitude towards my parents is bad in public thn when i read i was really pissed off i mean i really admit it but look at her ownself she is always giving attitude to us...no matter if it is at home or at outside like i attitude towards parents very serious like that hers more lorhh like to give that fucking face to my parents and me everytime when she never gether things she will give the face...like my parents never help her like that that time she went to buy from blogshops thn she need to lent $2oo from my father and i father was really pissed off by her but he still gave her the $200...thn i remeber yesterday we were goin to my grandma's house for dinner and she wanteed to sit at the frount sit of the car thn it was my turn cause every mon,wed,fri i sit thn yester day was mon...thn it was my turn thn she wanted to sit i said in the morning u already sit liao right cause she go school tn my father fetch her thn she surelly sit infrount thn she tiam tiam thn say wad okay larhh thn the next few day de morning i let u sit larhh...thn i was like for wad i not goin school or goin anywhere...so i sat infrount and she became bu suang wif me like i owe her like that then give th face to me thn i did not care about her...she dam xiao qi lorhh...i promised i am not goin to care for for the next few days at least must stay until friday haha....
okay i will be posting 2moro?i dunno ^^
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my name is marcus poa my school is unity secondary my class is 2/2 goin to 3/4 next year i am having a dam boring life no excitement... :D